Safety 'n Action Safety 'n Action AXIOM TRAINING

Assessor Training

Key Information

Duration: 1 Day

Maximum Attendees: 10

Training available nationwide at one of our centres, or your own workplace.

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We are passionate about Assessor training and developing good Assessor practice within the organisations we work with.


This assessor training course includes a one-day interactive workshop, followed by workplace-based assessment tasks.

This training is fully customised to meet the specific needs of:

  • ITO-registered Workplace Assessors
  • Workplace Supervisors
  • Adult Education Tutors
  • Training Consultants
  • On-the-Job Trainers

Participants will gain practical skills and knowledge to assess effectively in their workplace, ensuring quality learning outcomes and compliance with industry standards.

Key Learning Outcomes

Each participant receives a comprehensive study guide and assessments covering all the topics listed here.

Your bespoke workshop is customised to focus on the topics most relevant to your operation. Each organisation can select which topics to explore in greater depth during their workshop

Topics included:

  1. ITO / organisational requirements: The 12 best practice assessment principles

  2. WDC/organisational requirements: Best practice assessment principles
  3. The New Zealand Qualifications Framework
  4. Administrative processes
  5. Standard setting bodies
  6. Understanding qualifications and unit standards
  7. Types of assessment
  8. Assessment methods
  9. The significance of pre-moderation
  10. The assessment process
  11. ITO / organisational requirements
  12. The 12 best practice assessment principles
  13. Using assessment guides
  14. Evidence and judgment schedules
  15. Making assessment decisions
  16. Dealing with tricky situations
  17. Recording assessment decisions
  18. Providing feedback
  19. Administrative processes

Entry Criteria:

All students are required to have a level of written and oral English equivalent to NCEA level 1 (year 11) or IELTS 5.5 or higher, to be eligible to attend our courses. The person responsible for making bookings or authorising attendance on the course must agree to these Terms and Conditions prior to acceptance of their student(s) onto the course. Where a student does not meet our English language requirement a reader/writer must be supplied by the student or the person responsible for authorising the student’s attendance. The reader/writer cannot be another student attending the same course.


There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Please bring along your ID - We need to verify the identity of students in attendance, please bring ID with you on the day of training.

NZQA Unit Standards Included

  • Unit Standards - A T








    People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare for and conduct assessment; complete assessment administration; and review the assessment practice.


Pricing Available Upon Request