Safety 'n Action Safety 'n Action AXIOM TRAINING

Health and Safety Representative Initial Webinar

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Key Information

Duration: 6 Hours - Includes multiple breaks

Available from anywhere you are.

Requires a laptop or mobile device with internet connectivity. Assessments may be completed handwritten and scanned (mobile scans are accepted) or electronically.

Price (excl GST)

$300 Per Person

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  4. Health and Safety Rep Initial Live Webinar

Delivered by webinar and accessible from anywhere in New Zealand, this course will upskill your Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) with effective training and support. 

This course assists your Health & Safety Representatives (HSR’s) in developing the skills to address issues raised by colleagues and manage them satisfactorily. HSR’s will be informed of their responsibilities, functions and powers according to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and its regulations. This Webinar offers full unit standards.

In accordance with the requirements to maintain Consent to Assess for the unit standards taught on this course, Safety ‘n Action had this course pre moderated and approved by our standard setting body, The Skills Organisation.

Students need to have 3 months of work experience in the industry prior to doing the course.

  • Unit Standards - HSRI (Click to see more detail)








    Describe the role and functions of the health and safety representative in a New Zealand workplace 


Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain and demonstrate the overall role, powers and functions of a Health and Safety Representative in a New Zealand workplace
  2. Explain the role, functions and powers of the Health and Safety Representative under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and its Regulations
  3. Explain the role of a Health and Safety Representative as an advocate for workers
  4. Identify the obligations of a PCBU and WorkSafe New Zealand towards the Health and Safety Representative
  5. Describe the risk management process and the importance of communicating with workers and management
  6. Describe and demonstrate the powers and obligations that a health and safety representative has in terms of issuing a provisional improvement notice (PIN) and how and when to direct a worker to cease unsafe work

Entry Criteria:

  1. All students are required to have a level of written and oral English equivalent to NCEA level 1 (year 11) or IELTS 5.5 or higher, to be eligible to attend our courses. The person responsible for making bookings or authorising attendance on the course must agree to these Terms and Conditions prior to acceptance of their student(s) onto the course. Where a student does not meet our English language requirement a reader/writer must be supplied by the student or the person responsible for authorising the student’s attendance. The reader/writer cannot be another student attending the same course.

“They were an awesome teacher, very patient and understanding. They took their time to explain the harder questions to us and made sure we fully understood each question before we moved to the next. Thank you for your teaching.”

Student Feedback February 2022

"Very nicely elaborated and explained with related examples."

Course: H & S Representative Initial Student Feedback Dec 2023